Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dont Be Afraid To Get Down & Dirty

Hello my friends...

I woke up this morning all excited to go on a bike ride. Oh how I love my bike! A little wind in my face, a good friend to ride with and all the beauty that the great northwest has to offer. Heck, I don't even mind the little pieces of protein (some people call them bugs) that I sometimes swallow while rockin' down a hill at 30 miles plus an hour. My plan was to get a little cardio in and enjoy the outdoors. I have been trying to get at least an hour of cardio in each day along with my P90X to help jump start my weight loss. So, I set the alarm for 7am , set the coffee pot on auto and was just waiting for the sun to rise. But...when I woke...RAIN! Rain, rain, rain!

As many of you know, living in the Seattle area, you pretty much have to come to a point in life where you learn to just do things rain or shine. If you don't, you can miss out on a whole lot of life. After looking outside, I realized I had two choices. 1. I could take over the couch and watch tv all day. As we all know, rainy days are great for that! 2. Go on my bike ride or choose a different activity. It was raining to hard to go riding, it just wasn't safe, so I decided to go for a trail run with a friend. As you can tell by our picture, we had a blast! It was raining so hard, but that just made it such much more awesome. By the middle of our 5 mile run, we decided to act like a couple of little kids. We ran right through the middle of every puddle we could possibly find. The purpose of our run went from exercising, to mud puddle therapy. Who knew two grown women could have so much fun playing in the rain.

Tomorrow morning I will start a 20 Day Eating Clean Challenge. And it will be just that! I will be choosing from certain foods and hoping to continue breaking some of those bad habits I have picked up these last few years. Just like this morning when I woke, I'll have to make a choice. I'll have to choose the right foods to fuel my body with, I'll have to choose to push play 6 days a week and I'll have to choose to do that extra hour of cardio to continue to work toward my goal of ultimate fitness.

Life is full of choices, what will you choose?

Gwen Gilliam
Independent BeachBody Coach

Friday, March 26, 2010

Right On Track

Hi All!

It's late...and I'm sooo beat! So, day 3 of P90X and day two of following the diet. Pretty sore but I love that! Just means that I worked hard and there are results to come. I'm going to be doing a 20 day Eat Clean Challenge starting this next Monday. Ya, I know, its Easter. It's not that I haven't thought about those chocolate bunnies I'll be missing out on. I wont lie...I LOVE Easter candy! So much chocolate! I just keep reminding myself that the results of my hard work will be far more gratifying than any chocolate bunny. Anyone interested in joining me?

Measurements are done, pictures are taken and in hiding for the next four weeks. Can't wait to bust them out and show you guys what changes can be made with just a few weeks of hard work. But for now...I'm going to get my muscles the rest they need to rebuild, repair and prepare for tomorrow!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Journey To Ultimate Fitness

This blog is for my friends, family and anyone who wants to listen and follow me on my journey.

For those of you who know me, you know that I love pretty much anything that has to do with fitness. Being fit and keeping active makes me a better friend, mother and wife. Exercise for me, is a little break from the craziness we all call life. It’s a place for me to find a new start to a bad day or an excuse to get out in the sunshine. I LOVE working out! If I miss a day (other than my off day), I’m bummed. But…it wasn’t always like that.

Eight years ago my husband and I had our first child. I remember telling myself before I even got pregnant that I was NOT going to get fat. I found myself judging others who had gained weight and swearing that “I” wasn’t going to do that. I had promised my husband that I was going to continue to eat well and workout. Having struggled with my weight for as long as I could remember, I just wasn’t going down that path.

Well…as many of you know…what we say and do can often be two totally different things. I started off with a small weight gain that was quickly followed by the attitude that “I would just deal with it later.” My big plan became to take it all off once I had the baby. So I ate and ate and ate. I ate all they way from 175lbs to 220lbs being the last time I chose to look at the scale. I was in such a state of denial about how easy it would be to get all that weight off!

You see the problem with eating poorly, even for a short time, is that you create some really bad habits. Habits suck and they’re so had to break! When Lexi was about 6 months old, I had to go back to work and that really helped. It helped to just get out of the house and away from the food. Part of the habit I had created, was eating for no reason. If I was bored…I ate! If I was tired…I ate! If I was still bored…yep you guessed it…I ate some more! By the time Lexi was a year old I had gotten most of my weight off. I was lucky, I was young and my body actually bounced back pretty well.

About 2 years later I was pregnant with our second child, Grace. I did the exact same thing with my second pregnancy. However, things didn’t quite bounce back with round two. I tried and tried AND tried, but nothing seemed to be working. You see those bad habits I had created years ago just wouldn’t let me go. I would do really good for a few months and then totally fall off the wagon. Until about 2 years ago…

Two years ago I did my first triathlon. I was asked by my little sister (who is 10yrs younger than me) to do the Coeur d’Alene Triathlon. I remember her saying, “You can do the duathlon, it’s a shorter distance and no swimming.” Ok, so I was over weight, but still quite competitive and I wasn‘t doing less than my little sister! My response…“If I do it, I’m doing the whole thing!” I guess this is the part where I say thank you to my sister Alyssa, because that day has changed the course of the last two years of my life.

So I headed back to the gym. I got a new pair of running shoes and started running again. I bought a new bike and fell in LOVE with cycling. I quickly found myself headed back to the life style I once had lived and loved.

So where am I now and why am I writing this blog? I have just completed my Personal Training Certification and I’m currently back down to 179lbs. The last time I checked I was at 28% body fat, which is still too high. But I’m working my butt off and I have a goal AND I will reach that goal by summer! I am determined to make this year one of the best years of my life! My goal…to be my personal best and to help others do the same.

Last week I went on a little journey. I went in search of ways to help others get to where I am. I spend a lot of time training and so many people ask how I do it. The number one complaint is that there just isn’t enough time in a day, especially when you’re a Mom. Trust me, I get that! I also realize not many people want to ride their bike for 2 or more hours or go on long runs like I enjoy. So I went on a mission to find something that everyone could do.

When I went on and began to search, I found a program called Beach Body. Beach Body is the home of the famous P90X. I continued my search for women specifically. I swear, I looked around for about two hours! The stories I found were amazing. I thought it was so awesome that people were seeing true results. I’m not kidding you, put in P90X in a search, you will be amazed! The most impressive to me was a gal named Barbie Decker. One word…AMAZING! Over the last week I have spoken with Barbie several times. Girlfriend is awesome and I have a huge respect for her, yet barely know her. Barbie has a passion very similar to mine. It began with the goal of fitness that lead to a love of fitness and a passion for helping others. After talking with Barbie I knew this was something I had to be involved in. I signed up as a Beach Body Coach two days ago so that I can coach and help others meet their goals.

For the next three months I’m going to be doing P90X along with my normal training. I will be eating from their nutrition plan and trying different supplements and the Shakeology shake that Beach Body offers. I’m making myself a test dummy. I’m taking the dreaded “before” pictures tonight and I promise to post updated pictures each month to show my progress. I’m going to do my best to blog daily with details about that day. I’ll share it all, both good and bad. So, follow me, I’m going to prove it can be done!