It is a common belief that your level of physical fitness can be greatly influenced by your personal interests. If you don’t enjoy the type of fitness activity you are doing, then chances are you just won’t stick with it. Adults continually start fitness programs and fail to meet their goals within weeks because they don’t enjoy anything about the activity they have launched into. When searching for a health and fitness program, don’t go into it knowing you don’t like it, but instead, attempt something you know you enjoy. If you hate running but love dancing, don’t sign-up for a 5k, but instead get registered for ballroom dance classes. The same concept applies to children’s fitness programs. Some kids will latch on and have fun in any type of program, but others only enjoy programs tailored to their personal interests. The problem is that it can be difficult to know what type of program your child will like until they have had a chance to try it, and sometimes that means you signed your daughter up for soccer, she despises it, and you are stuck either forcing her to go, or losing out on that soccer fee.
Helping your child discover what type of fitness program they will enjoy is a fairly easy task, and can make the difference between creating a lifetime of health and fitness or resulting in a child who always avoids activity. Health and fitness should be fun, not a moment of fear and dread. There are some simple questions to ask:
Does my child work well in groups, or does he/she prefer to complete tasks on their own?
Helping your child discover what type of fitness program they will enjoy is a fairly easy task, and can make the difference between creating a lifetime of health and fitness or resulting in a child who always avoids activity. Health and fitness should be fun, not a moment of fear and dread. There are some simple questions to ask:
Does my child work well in groups, or does he/she prefer to complete tasks on their own?
If groups are his/her thing, try sports like basketball, soccer, or football. If your child prefers to go it alone, try gymnastics, dance, track, or tennis. These options give your child a chance to meet individual goals, but also participate in smaller goals as a part of a team.
Does my child have a lot of manual dexterity and good hand/eye coordination?
Look for sports that involve the use of balls, batons, bats, and other small pieces of equipment. Don’t forget about sports like golf, baseball, or wrestling, that involve good hand/eye coordination in combination with movement.
Is my child naturally flexible?
Sports like gymnastics and martial arts will allow these kids to use their flexibility at the same time they are building very strong core muscles and overall strength. He/she may even enjoy something like yoga, where they feel positive about their flexibility and can balance it with strength work.
Would my child benefit from the opportunity to get out some aggression?
In today’s world, children have a lot of demands placed on them. Being constantly over-stimulated by technology can make them stressed out just like any adult. Having a sport available to them where they have the opportunity to be aggressive in a safe way is a great outlet for stress reduction. Sports like football, dodgeball, wrestling, and kickboxing are fantastic for this.
Just a few moments addressing these questions can really get you moving toward finding a fitness program that your child will love. All organized programs have lessons to be learned, and your child will appreciate your hard work in helping to find a program that they will love. In addition, remember, if your child is particularly finicky about activity, many programs will have a chance to attend one class for free before purchasing. Or, take your child to watch the program a few times prior to enrolling. This will really help them see what they are getting involved in. Fitness should always be fun (even with the hard work involved)!
In Good Health,
Would my child benefit from the opportunity to get out some aggression?
In today’s world, children have a lot of demands placed on them. Being constantly over-stimulated by technology can make them stressed out just like any adult. Having a sport available to them where they have the opportunity to be aggressive in a safe way is a great outlet for stress reduction. Sports like football, dodgeball, wrestling, and kickboxing are fantastic for this.
Just a few moments addressing these questions can really get you moving toward finding a fitness program that your child will love. All organized programs have lessons to be learned, and your child will appreciate your hard work in helping to find a program that they will love. In addition, remember, if your child is particularly finicky about activity, many programs will have a chance to attend one class for free before purchasing. Or, take your child to watch the program a few times prior to enrolling. This will really help them see what they are getting involved in. Fitness should always be fun (even with the hard work involved)!
In Good Health,
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