As parents, we spend enormous amounts of time worrying about how our children are going to turn out. Will they be intelligent, caring, generous, outgoing, or friendly? Will they be financially responsible, philanthropic, interested in the world? Will they go to college? Will they be good parents? The truth is, we can spend all this time worrying, or we can act in a way that we hope our children will emulate. If we hope to raise non-smokers, then as adults we need to lead by example and never smoke. If we hope for children that grow to be financially responsible, then as adults we should live within our means. And if we want our children to be healthy and fit, then we better eat right, workout, limit use of alcohol, and avoid drugs. Although this sounds simple, it can be exceedingly difficult.
Our world today is set up to move quickly. Have a question? Look online and have an answer in 30 seconds. Need to reach someone? Expect a text back in even less time. In this fast-paced world, we also need ways to eat, and workout quickly and efficiently. There are so many times when we are running around to practices, games, work, and appointments that the drive-thru is the only option to feed the family. When we are rushed by all these commitments, we are forced into bad nutrition and tend to neglect our own personal needs in terms of workouts. Kids see this. They learn that as an adult, you don't always have time to care for yourself while you are taking care of others. This is the message we don't want kids to see. So no matter what, scheduling time to keep ourselves healthy is a must for all parents! Even if it means we have to take a different commitment off the books. We have to prioritize our own health, not just so that we have years of functioning ahead of us, but so that we can set the right example for our children. Learning to work in our own personal fitness at the same time as our children's fitness is a great option. How many times have you taken a child to practice and sat around waiting for an hour to pass? Try walking around the soccer field while you watch your child. Or how about running around the track during track practice? Most coaches will not be upset at all if you join right in during your child's conditioning phase of their practice. It is a great way to show your child you are there to support them and teach them that you believe in your own fitness as well.
We have all had that drive-thru moment when you don't want to feed the kids a high fat, high calorie, no substance meal, but where do you get a meal for 4 in 5 minutes flat? Leaving some options in the trunk is a great way to avoid this quick stop (and probably save yourself some money in the process). A small cooler with some bottled water, healthy nutrition bars, some nuts and dried fruit might be a simple way to provide the snack everyone needs without busting out the daily caloric intake. If a bigger meal is what's needed, try the grocery store instead of a fast food restaurant. Pop in to the deli and grab a few chicken breasts, some apples from the produce aisle and a couple cartons of milk. Kids will still be pleased and their fuel levels will be restored. To top it off, you will feel better about your own intake and have energy to last for several more hours because you have consumed a healthy meal.
As parents, we can't underestimate our influence in helping our children make great choices for their future. But, with that being said, we have to remember that not always do children decide to follow our influence. Sometimes, we set all the right examples and we have a child that still decides to pick up smoking, or a teen that eats terribly. The important thing to remember is that we have laid the foundation and eventually that child will remember what they have seen and learned and likely make their way back. But even if they don't, we know we have done the best we can and we can have no regrets about the lessons we taught!
In Good Health,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Latest details for the Sprouts...

Many of you have been wondering about where we are at with our program. are the latest Sprout details!
1. Where will we be meeting?
Sporty Sprouts will be meeting at Lighthouse Christian School, Gig Harbor Wa! For those of you with kids on LCS campus, we're going to make it easy for you! One of us will be on campus to pick up any girls participating in our program by 3pm. We will hang with them until we get started. This will give the girls some time to have a snack and get changed. We suggest that you pack an extra snack with the girls. Most kids are super hungry after school and they will be very active during their time with us.
2. What date are we starting?
We wanted to start yesterday! However, we have had to delay our start date due to obstacles with days and times for interested girls. Our plan right now is to start on Monday, December 6th, based on our total enrollment. We are planning a "sample" session on Wednesday, December 1st, so girls can come and enjoy a free session and see what we are all about. We are very excited to get started with the girls! So if you know of anyone interested in enrolling in our program, tell them the time is now!
3. What are the days and times?
Sporty Sprouts will meet Monday and Wednesday from 3:30 - 5:30. So far, these appear to be the best days and time. We would love any feedback you might have in regard to dates, times and even about our program! The more information we have from you, the better we can make our program.
1. Where will we be meeting?
Sporty Sprouts will be meeting at Lighthouse Christian School, Gig Harbor Wa! For those of you with kids on LCS campus, we're going to make it easy for you! One of us will be on campus to pick up any girls participating in our program by 3pm. We will hang with them until we get started. This will give the girls some time to have a snack and get changed. We suggest that you pack an extra snack with the girls. Most kids are super hungry after school and they will be very active during their time with us.
2. What date are we starting?
We wanted to start yesterday! However, we have had to delay our start date due to obstacles with days and times for interested girls. Our plan right now is to start on Monday, December 6th, based on our total enrollment. We are planning a "sample" session on Wednesday, December 1st, so girls can come and enjoy a free session and see what we are all about. We are very excited to get started with the girls! So if you know of anyone interested in enrolling in our program, tell them the time is now!
3. What are the days and times?
Sporty Sprouts will meet Monday and Wednesday from 3:30 - 5:30. So far, these appear to be the best days and time. We would love any feedback you might have in regard to dates, times and even about our program! The more information we have from you, the better we can make our program.
Please let us know if your daughter will be attending the Sporty Sprouts Sample Day so that we know how many to prepare for. Space is limited, so RSVP today! You can do that at or you can also register on our fb event page at:¬if_t=like#!/event.php?eid=168416833183654
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Finding A Fitness Program Your Child Will Love

It is a common belief that your level of physical fitness can be greatly influenced by your personal interests. If you don’t enjoy the type of fitness activity you are doing, then chances are you just won’t stick with it. Adults continually start fitness programs and fail to meet their goals within weeks because they don’t enjoy anything about the activity they have launched into. When searching for a health and fitness program, don’t go into it knowing you don’t like it, but instead, attempt something you know you enjoy. If you hate running but love dancing, don’t sign-up for a 5k, but instead get registered for ballroom dance classes. The same concept applies to children’s fitness programs. Some kids will latch on and have fun in any type of program, but others only enjoy programs tailored to their personal interests. The problem is that it can be difficult to know what type of program your child will like until they have had a chance to try it, and sometimes that means you signed your daughter up for soccer, she despises it, and you are stuck either forcing her to go, or losing out on that soccer fee.
Helping your child discover what type of fitness program they will enjoy is a fairly easy task, and can make the difference between creating a lifetime of health and fitness or resulting in a child who always avoids activity. Health and fitness should be fun, not a moment of fear and dread. There are some simple questions to ask:
Does my child work well in groups, or does he/she prefer to complete tasks on their own?
Helping your child discover what type of fitness program they will enjoy is a fairly easy task, and can make the difference between creating a lifetime of health and fitness or resulting in a child who always avoids activity. Health and fitness should be fun, not a moment of fear and dread. There are some simple questions to ask:
Does my child work well in groups, or does he/she prefer to complete tasks on their own?
If groups are his/her thing, try sports like basketball, soccer, or football. If your child prefers to go it alone, try gymnastics, dance, track, or tennis. These options give your child a chance to meet individual goals, but also participate in smaller goals as a part of a team.
Does my child have a lot of manual dexterity and good hand/eye coordination?
Look for sports that involve the use of balls, batons, bats, and other small pieces of equipment. Don’t forget about sports like golf, baseball, or wrestling, that involve good hand/eye coordination in combination with movement.
Is my child naturally flexible?
Sports like gymnastics and martial arts will allow these kids to use their flexibility at the same time they are building very strong core muscles and overall strength. He/she may even enjoy something like yoga, where they feel positive about their flexibility and can balance it with strength work.
Would my child benefit from the opportunity to get out some aggression?
In today’s world, children have a lot of demands placed on them. Being constantly over-stimulated by technology can make them stressed out just like any adult. Having a sport available to them where they have the opportunity to be aggressive in a safe way is a great outlet for stress reduction. Sports like football, dodgeball, wrestling, and kickboxing are fantastic for this.
Just a few moments addressing these questions can really get you moving toward finding a fitness program that your child will love. All organized programs have lessons to be learned, and your child will appreciate your hard work in helping to find a program that they will love. In addition, remember, if your child is particularly finicky about activity, many programs will have a chance to attend one class for free before purchasing. Or, take your child to watch the program a few times prior to enrolling. This will really help them see what they are getting involved in. Fitness should always be fun (even with the hard work involved)!
In Good Health,
Would my child benefit from the opportunity to get out some aggression?
In today’s world, children have a lot of demands placed on them. Being constantly over-stimulated by technology can make them stressed out just like any adult. Having a sport available to them where they have the opportunity to be aggressive in a safe way is a great outlet for stress reduction. Sports like football, dodgeball, wrestling, and kickboxing are fantastic for this.
Just a few moments addressing these questions can really get you moving toward finding a fitness program that your child will love. All organized programs have lessons to be learned, and your child will appreciate your hard work in helping to find a program that they will love. In addition, remember, if your child is particularly finicky about activity, many programs will have a chance to attend one class for free before purchasing. Or, take your child to watch the program a few times prior to enrolling. This will really help them see what they are getting involved in. Fitness should always be fun (even with the hard work involved)!
In Good Health,
fitness program,
personal interest
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Helpful Hints For Reducing Screen Time

There has been a lot of discussion over the last few years about kids and the amount of time they spend in front of a screen. This "screen time" can be t.v., computers, or video games. Most of this discussion has been centered on the recommended amount of hours that children should be allowed to spend on screen time, and the negative effects that come from too much of it. The recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics is no screen time for children under the age of 2, and that kids older than 2 watch no more than 1 to 2 hours a day of quality programming. Studies show that most children nearly double this amount of screen time on any given day. When we take a moment to think about this number, it does seem staggering and we can probably all agree that there are much better ways to spend time that would provide knowledge, fun, exercise, and enriching experiences. I'm a mother of 4, and my husband and I have set limits in our household, but I am the first to admit that when it's dinnertime and I need to cook, the puppy is running around, and the older kids are working on homework, sometimes it is just easier to put in a DVD for my 3 year old. So, I think what we all need are some better ideas of how to make this work in our busy, technology-based lives!
The first and most important is to take screens out of kid's rooms. When a child has a t.v. or computer in their room, it instantly sets up a scenario where it is hard to monitor the time spent on it, and it leads children to believe that screen time is a right, not a privilege. Keeping the screens in the most family-oriented room in your house allows you to determine the screen set-up. You can place screens in places where you can easily monitor what children are viewing, and in addition you can provide lots of fun, entertaining alternatives in your family space that make the t.v. or computer one of many great choices for entertainment. Be up front with children, and let them know exactly how much time they are allowed, and of course, they should understand that this time can only be used after chores and homework are completed. When children know they have limits on time, they will learn to prioritize their favorite shows or games, and spend much less time staring at the screen for no purpose.
Choosing t.v. shows together is another great way to have control over screen time. As a family, you can pick what to watch while keeping in mind that what you choose can be great for education, or to create important discussions with children. We have several teens in our house, so a show that we watch together is "The Secret Life of the American Teenager". It gives us a chance to talk to the kids about some of the choices the characters are making and discuss what they would do in those scenarios. With all the ratings and program descriptions that we have now, it is really easy to pick age appropriate long as we all use those free tools that are provided.
One very easy way to limit screen time is to get kids involved in various activities. Most people who have busy kids know that when you play sports, attend after-school programs, or are involved in the arts, there is usually not much time left for t.v. or computers. Now, of course, we all want to make sure that our children are not over-scheduled. They need their relaxation time as much as anyone. But, getting out of the house to participate in some type of organized program helps develop social skills, learn responsibility, provides exercise, and creates mental stimulation. All the things we want our children to learn!
Being overworked, and too busy as parents sets us up for a scenario where overuse of screen time is just a natural part of the day. But, talking about options, getting suggestions from other parents, knowing we are all trying to work toward the same goal, will give us some positive encouragement to help our kids avoid the pitfalls of too much screen time. And most importantly, we must remember, there are times when it is just a t.v. day. No judgment, no guilt, tomorrow is a new day to do something a little different!
The first and most important is to take screens out of kid's rooms. When a child has a t.v. or computer in their room, it instantly sets up a scenario where it is hard to monitor the time spent on it, and it leads children to believe that screen time is a right, not a privilege. Keeping the screens in the most family-oriented room in your house allows you to determine the screen set-up. You can place screens in places where you can easily monitor what children are viewing, and in addition you can provide lots of fun, entertaining alternatives in your family space that make the t.v. or computer one of many great choices for entertainment. Be up front with children, and let them know exactly how much time they are allowed, and of course, they should understand that this time can only be used after chores and homework are completed. When children know they have limits on time, they will learn to prioritize their favorite shows or games, and spend much less time staring at the screen for no purpose.
Choosing t.v. shows together is another great way to have control over screen time. As a family, you can pick what to watch while keeping in mind that what you choose can be great for education, or to create important discussions with children. We have several teens in our house, so a show that we watch together is "The Secret Life of the American Teenager". It gives us a chance to talk to the kids about some of the choices the characters are making and discuss what they would do in those scenarios. With all the ratings and program descriptions that we have now, it is really easy to pick age appropriate long as we all use those free tools that are provided.
One very easy way to limit screen time is to get kids involved in various activities. Most people who have busy kids know that when you play sports, attend after-school programs, or are involved in the arts, there is usually not much time left for t.v. or computers. Now, of course, we all want to make sure that our children are not over-scheduled. They need their relaxation time as much as anyone. But, getting out of the house to participate in some type of organized program helps develop social skills, learn responsibility, provides exercise, and creates mental stimulation. All the things we want our children to learn!
Being overworked, and too busy as parents sets us up for a scenario where overuse of screen time is just a natural part of the day. But, talking about options, getting suggestions from other parents, knowing we are all trying to work toward the same goal, will give us some positive encouragement to help our kids avoid the pitfalls of too much screen time. And most importantly, we must remember, there are times when it is just a t.v. day. No judgment, no guilt, tomorrow is a new day to do something a little different!
Jennifer Caliman
Sporty Sprouts
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