What are your obstacles? What things in your life or at home are stopping you from taking control of your weight? This is a question I have had to ask myself many times over the last few years. I have come to realize that I am not only an emotional eater, but also a social eater/drinker. When I'm sad, bored and even happy, I eat. When I think of having friends over to our home on a sunny evening, I think bbq and drinks. It's just how I am...how I got there...I'm not quite sure. Haven't gotten that far yet :)
One of the best ways to identify your obstacles is to really watch yourself and take notes for a week or so. Make note of what, when and why you are eating. Or, go for a walk and spend some time just thinking about how you operate. How do you feel after you eat that second piece of cake? Why did you eat it? Was it because it was just there? Was there some kind of comfort in eating it? Just really spend some time identifying why you are eating.
Here are 5 suggestions that are working for me:
1. Start by removing food from your home that you can't say no to! After all, if its not there for you to grab, you cant have it or at least not now in your weakest moment.
2. Change your surroundings. Does being home or working from home have you bored? If its an option, grab your work, your lap top, and go to a local coffee shop. So many places have free WIFI now. That might take some planning the night before, but it's worth it. I spend alot of time planning these days! The more I plan, the less I fail at achieving my weight loss and fitness goals.
3. If one of your obstacles is eating out because you are always on the run, then pack some food. I always travel with something to eat. If I'm out of protein bars, then I grab a banana as I run out the door. I keep it right on my front seat. If I find myself starving, then that banana will fill me up long enough for me to regain control of the situation and really think about what it is I'm going to eat. For me personally, I have the best of intentions sometimes in the fast food line. But...if I'm really hungry I often times loose track of those good intentions. So, I skip it all together!
4. When it comes time to have a treat, make a wise choice. For example, substitute milk chocolate with dark chocolate. Find a chocolate protein bar to use as your snack so you don't feel like you are depriving yourself. It's not a snickers, but if used as one of your snacks, it can not only help refuel your body but also help fill that sweet craving. How about strawberries with a dab of whipping cream? There are many options...once again...just requires a little planning.
5. Last but not least...consider where you are placing your workout in the day. When do you have the most energy? When are you most likely to give it your all and walk away from the workout focused on what has to be done to care for your body? For me...its morning! I have found that not only do I have the most energy, but doing my workout in the morning tends to keep me focused on what I put in my mouth the remainder of the day. It changes my thought process from "Well, it's ok cause I'm gonna go workout and burn it off." to "I just worked my butt off! No way am I eating that!"
These are just a few suggestions and ways that I'm able to keep focused and on track. Remember, every day is a new day! If you make a mistake, pick yourself up and start again. I'll leave you with this:
"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art."
- La Rochefoucauld